Common Name Hardy hibiscus, rose mallow, swamp rose mallow
Botanical Name Hibiscus moscheutos
Family Malvaceae
Plant Type Herbaceous perennial
Mature Size 3–7 ft. tall, 2–4 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Full sun
Soil Type Average, organically rich
Soil pH Neutral to slightly acidic
Bloom Time Summer
Flower Color White, red, pink, blue
Hardiness Zones 4–9 (USDA)
Native Area North America

How to Plant Hardy Hibiscus

When to Plant

Hardy hibiscus is best planted in the spring after the threat of frost has passed. Otherwise, you can start growing hibiscus seeds indoors 12 weeks before the expected last frost date.

Where to Plant

Hardy hibiscus is best planted in a full sun spot with well-drained, acidic soil enriched with compost. If grown in full sun in hot climates, consider providing shade for a respite from the beating sun. A hardy hibiscus grown in partial sun all day may produce fewer blooms than its full-sun counterpart.

Spacing, Depth, and Support

Hibiscus plants should be spaced 2 to 3 feet apart; these plants can grow up to 72 inches tall and up to 3 feet wide. Sow seeds about 12 inch deep into well-draining soil. Maintain high humidity and warmth during germination.

If transplanting, keep the base of the stem in line with the soil line. To keep it in line, backfill soil into your planting hole to get the planting height right. The planting hole should be as deep as your planting container, two to three times wider than the current container. Once set in the hole, backfill with fresh soil.

Hardy hibiscus rarely needs support or stakes since it grows sturdy, woody stems. However, if it gets limp or leggy due to insufficient light, it may need a grow-through support grid system to train the stems to remain upright.

Hardy Hibiscus Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing a hardy hibiscus:

  • Plant in full sun location; if maintained in partial sun all day, it may get leggy.
  • Expect these plants to thrive in an acidic, well-draining soil location enriched with compost.
  • Water hardy hibiscus regularly, giving water daily, at least 1 to 2 inches of water a week.
  • Bring hardy hibiscus inside once temperatures drop below freezing, or protect it with winter wraps.
  • Give fast-release fertilizer weekly or slow-release fertilizer three times a year; refrain from giving fertilizer during the winter dormancy period.


For your hardy hibiscus plant to bloom to its greatest potential, it needs at least six hours a day of full sun. However, if you live in a hot and dry climate, provide your hardy hibiscus with occasional relief from the hot afternoon sun—grow other leafy plants nearby to cast a shadow, or choose a planting location that is lightly shaded in the afternoon. Indoor hibiscus plants should be situated near a sunny (preferably southwest-facing) window—if that doesn’t provide your hibiscus with enough light, you can augment it with grow lights.


Hardy hibiscus are wetland plants and, therefore, are the ideal specimens for moist areas on your property where it might be difficult to grow other plants that don’t require as much moisture. They also grow well when planted around water features and ponds. Hardy hibiscus plants require organically rich soils—if the soil in your landscape is not rich in organic material, amend the planting area with organic compost before planting.


If you can’t locate hardy hibiscus plants in a moist spot in your landscape, keep them adequately watered—but don’t overdo it. A hardy hibiscus is typically thirsty and needs a deep watering of at least 1 to 2 inches weekly. It needs to be watered almost every day. Small plants with fewer leaves need less water than large, leafy ones. A good indicator that your plant needs watering is when an inch down into the soil is dry.

Temperature and Humidity

Hardy hibiscus plants are cold-hardy despite bearing large blooms that look at home in the tropics. Hibiscus plants flower best in temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Bring plants indoors before temperatures dip to 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but be mindful that low humidity can dry them out quickly. You can keep plants outdoors, but they need protective winter wraps like burlap or tarp to guard against the chilly winds.

If you bring your hardy hibiscus indoors for the winter, you must mist the leaves daily or place each pot on a pebble tray filled with water. As the water evaporates, the humidity will rise around the plant. A small space humidifier will also raise humidity levels in your home.


Hardy hibiscus plants need plenty of nutrients and regular feeding. Feed your plant with a diluted liquid fertilizer once a week or a slow-release fertilizer three times a year, including early spring, after the first blooming, and mid-summer.

Types of Hardy Hibiscus

Some of the most common hardy hibiscus plants vary in size and bloom:

  • Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Lady Baltimore’: This variety is 4 to 5 feet tall and up to 3 feet wide. It features light pink flowers with a red center.
  • Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Robert Fleming’: This compact variety is about 2 to 3 feet tall and wide at maturity. Its huge blooms are a deep, velvety red.
  • Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Summerific Perfect Storm’: This compact and well-branched variety produces dark purple foliage and can grow 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Its large 7-inch whitish-pink flowers have a red eye.


Hardy hibiscus dies to the ground in winter, so cut it back to about 4 to 6 inches of growth in the fall or spring before new growth emerges. The root system will survive the winter, and new growth will emerge from the root system. Since these stems are woody, prune using loppers, a heavier cutting tool.

Propagating Hardy Hibiscus

The best way to get a replica of the parent hardy hibiscus plant is to propagate it with stem cuttings. Propagate with this method in the spring or early summer for best results. Follow these steps:

  1. Cut a section of new growth or softwood about 3 to 5 inches long, removing any flowers or flower buds from the node area.
  2. Pour some rooting hormone into a shallow dish, moisten the cut end of the stem, and dip it in the powder.
  3. Use your finger to create a hole in the moist growing medium, ensuring the hole is wide enough so the rooting hormone won’t rub off when you place the cutting into the hole. Tamp down the soil around the cutting and water well.
  4. Cover the cutting with a plastic bag and place it in a warm location, 60 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer.
  5. New leaves should appear eight weeks later; when the cutting has developed a root system, repot it into a larger pot. Plant in the ground after the last frost in the spring.

How to Grow Hardy Hibiscus From Seeds

If you do not need a replica of the hardy hibiscus parent plant, grow a new one from seeds. Buy seeds or collect them from the pods that form after the plant has flowered. If the flowers were pollinated, the plant would produce pods.

Leave the pods on the plant until they turn brown and crusty and the seeds are ready to be harvested and sown. Each pod contains between 10 and 20 seeds. The seeds need to be stratified and scarified for the best results. Keep them dry in a protected container outdoors so they can feel normal winter temperatures (stratification).

Begin to sow them indoors about six to 12 weeks before the last frost. Or you can sow them directly in the ground after the last frost. Here’s how to grow hardy hibiscus from seeds:

  1. Soak seeds overnight to soften them because they must be nicked (called scarification) to allow water in.
  2. Put seeds in a jar with some gravel and shake well. This method should break the outer coating of the seeds a bit.
  3. Sow seeds 14 inch deep into a seedling pot filled with well-draining seed starting mix.
  4. Keep pots in full sun or under grow lamps.
  5. Replant seedlings into larger pots after four to five weeks.
  6. Harden off seedlings as the last frost approaches. Harden by taking pots outdoors during the day and back inside at night.

Potting and Repotting Hardy Hibiscus

They do well as container-grown plants, allowing you to bring the plant indoors for the winter season if you live in a cold climate. Ensure the pot has ample drainage holes.

Repot container-grown hibiscus into a larger pot every two to three years. It’s OK to allow the roots to be a little snug in the container, allowing it to get a little root-bound.

Winter Care

Hardy hibiscus stems are woody in summer and function as sub-shrubs in the landscape, but their stems die back to the ground in winter, technically classifying them as herbaceous perennials that can stay outdoors down to zone 4.

If you live with mild temperatures year-round, your hardy hibiscus will also thrive outdoors throughout the year. But if you live where winter temperatures dip below freezing, you must protect your hardy hibiscus plants. Wrap it in heavy cloth (burlap) or tarp. The material must be able to withstand freezing and frosty conditions.

If your hardy hibiscus is potted outdoors, you can bring it indoors, but it must stay in temperatures of about 55 degrees Fahrenheit plus about three to four hours of direct full sun a day to survive.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

The usual gang of garden pests loves to hang out on the underside of hardy hibiscus leaves and cause holes in the foliage. These insects include aphids, Japanese beetles, mealybugs, sawfly larvae, spider mites, thrips, and whiteflies.

Hardy hibiscus plants also tend to be bothered by various fungal diseases such as leaf spot, blight, and rust, which often develop when the plant is excessively moist. To avoid these problems, when you water your plant, apply the water to the base of the plant so you don’t introduce excess moisture onto the foliage.

Proper spacing between your hardy hibiscus and other plants is also vital—adequate airflow will help prevent the development of fungal diseases. If all else fails, you can periodically treat affected plants with a fungicide.

How to Get Hardy Hibiscus to Bloom

When planted in sunny conditions and favorably rich soil, it repeat blooms. Be patient if you don’t see flowers until summer, as this is one of the last plants to begin growing in the spring.

Bloom Months

Hardy hibiscus typically blooms from mid-summer through the fall, with most profuse blooming in the summer.

Hardy Hibiscus Flowers Appearance and Fragrance

Unlike tropical hibiscus, hardy varieties have no discernible fragrance. The flowers look like the tropical variety, with five papery petals and a central protruding stamen. They come in white, pink, and red. Some types have a dark “eye” at the bloom’s center. The blooms can vary in size from 6 to 12 inches wide.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Failure to bloom is very often the result of shady conditions. Hardy hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant native to organically rich swampy areas, so to encourage more blooms, ensure it has ample water and plenty of nutrients. Hardy hibiscus may refuse to flower unless fed aggressively. Weekly feeding with a diluted liquid fertilizer may prompt your plant to produce plentiful flowers.

Deadheading Hardy Hibiscus Flowers

Deadheading hardy hibiscus promotes more blooms, keeps the plant looking healthy, and discourages reseeding. Deadhead flowers once they start to fade and wilt. To deadhead, snap or pinch off the stem below the faded or withered flower, where it connects with to main limb.

Common Problems With Hardy Hibiscus

Hardy hibiscus plants are surprisingly easy to care for, considering their bountiful, delicate blooms—if they receive enough sunlight and water.

Yellowing Leaves

Hibiscus plants can develop yellow leaves if they experience abrupt changes in soil moisture, air temperature, or drafts. Yellowing leaves are a natural way for the plant to enter dormancy for the winter and should be expected in late fall. Unseasonal yellowing can be a sign of too much water or not enough fertilizer.

Dropping Flowers or Buds

Once buds bloom, they only last at most two days before dropping, making way for new blooms. However, if you notice buds dropping before they open, it can be caused by extreme temperatures, dry soil, sudden drafts, and insufficient sunlight. Temperatures between 65 to 75 F are needed for proper bud development.

Sudden Wilting

If the flowers and leaves look like they’re wilting, remove the plant from direct sun and water deeply. However, if the soil is sufficiently wet, the plant might have a wilt disease, usually caused by a fungus.

To attempt to rehabilitate the plant, mist the leaves daily for at least a week to see if it rejuvenates the plant. If the leaves perk up, slowly inch the plant to full sun over time. Add fertilizer to the watering regimen. You can attempt to revive the plant in this way for up to a month, but there is a strong chance it won’t rebound in a severe fungal outbreak.


    • What is the lifespan of a hardy hibiscus shrub? Hibiscus plants are generally long-lived. Hardy hibiscus can live up to 20 years or so.

    • What’s the difference between a hardy and a tropical hibiscus plant? The two types of hibiscus are hardy and tropical. Hardy hibiscus typically survives the winters outdoors, though it dies back to the ground on its own while dormant in the cold weather. Tropical hibiscus needs to be brought indoors for the winter.

    • Can hardy hibiscus grow in partial shade? The plant can be grown in partial shade but won’t bloom well. It needs sun to create blooms. If the plant is in the ground and can’t be moved, see if you can remove any barriers preventing sunlight from bathing the plant. Even one or two hours a day can help increase the blooms.

    • Can hardy hibiscus be grown indoors as a houseplant? Many tropical hibiscus plants can grow indoors as houseplants, but it’s best to leave hardy hibiscus outdoors. One reason is that it can grow out of control indoors, and if it’s not placed in full sunlight, it won’t produce blooms.