Common Names | Snowdrops, common snowdrop |
Botanical Name | Galanthus nivalis |
Family | Amaryllidaceae |
Plant Type | Perennial, bulb |
Mature Size | 4-10 in. tall; 3-6 in. wide |
Sun Exposure | Full, partial |
Soil Type | Loamy, sandy, well-drained |
Soil pH | Acidic, neutral, alkaline |
Bloom Time | Spring |
Flower Color | White |
Hardiness Zones | 3-7 (USDA) |
Native Areas | Asia, Europe |
Toxicity | Toxic to people, pets |
Snowdrop Care
These are the main care requirements for growing snowdrops:
- Plant snowdrop bulbs 3 inches deep in soil that you have thoroughly loosened ahead of time
- Snowdrops are small plants requiring good drainage
- Needs more water in warmer climates, less water in cool climates
Snowdrops do need sunlight and enjoy full sun (average of 6 or more hours of direct sunlight each day). But because they bloom so early in the spring, providing snowdrops with sufficient sunlight generally is not a problem: They flower before trees such as maple (Acer spp.) and oak (Quercus spp.) have a chance to leaf out and cast shade. One of the benefits of growing snowdrops is that you can plant them in spaces under large, deciduous trees (partially-shaded spaces that would otherwise go unused) where most other plants would struggle to grow well.
Grow snowdrops in a loose, well-drained soil that has plenty of humus. Like most bulbs they will not thrive in heavy clay.
This plant does not require particularly moist soil in cooler climates; in warmer climates, however, it will need more water. Generally, snow melt and spring rainfall will provide enough moisture without supplemental watering.
Temperature and Humidity
Snowdrops do not like high heat and humidity. This is why they are generally not grown south of zone 7. At the southern end of their range, the bulbs may lose vigor over time. They are better-suited to the North, where they are cold-hardy as far up as zone 3.
A bulb fertilizer can be added at planting time to help boost your snowdrops to a good start. A late fall addition of compost should provide nutritional needs for next year’s bloom.
Types of Snowdrops
Plants in the Leucojum genus look so similar to those in the Galanthus genus that the two genera are often considered together. Here are examples of each. Some are hardy only to zone 4 (Galanthus nivalis being slightly hardier than the rest). All, except for Leucojum aestivum, bloom by early spring:
- Galanthus elwesii: called the “giant snowdrop” and grows to be twice as tall as Galanthus nivalis. It is hardy to zone 4.
- Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’: has double flowers.
- Galanthus nivalis ‘Viride Apic‘: has prominent green marking on its petals.
- Leucojum vernum: a plant of about the same size as the giant snowdrop (1 foot tall), is called the “spring snowflake.” It blooms in early spring and is hardy to zone 4.
- Leucojum aestivum: bears the common name of “summer snowflake.” It is of a similar size to L. vernum. It blooms a little later than the rest (in midspring) and is hardy to zone 4.
Here is how snowflakes differ from snowdrops. Whereas the three outer petals of Galanthus are larger than the three inner petals, all six of the flower petals in the Leucojum genus are the same length. A flowering stem of summer snowflake is likely to bear more flowers—up to six—whereas you usually find just one bloom (or occasionally two) on a flowering stem of spring snowflake.
Don’t prune snowdrops. Neither trim the foliage nor deadhead the spent flowers of snowdrops. They continue to get their nutrients to the bulb through the foliage until the leaves begin to fade. The entire plant will “die back” (above ground) when it is ready to go dormant. This is one reason why snowdrops are so low-maintenance.
Propagating Snowdrops
Snowdrops come up every year and may multiply and spread over time; in fact, they will frequently naturalize. Take advantage of this fact to lift and replant the bulbs when you wish to propagate snowdrops. Here’s how:
- Lift a clump of bulbs with the roots in place (make sure to do this after flowering in early spring).
- Separate the bulbs and replant immediately.
- Water consistently.
- The plant should be strong and healthy by the following winter.
How to Grow Snowdrops From Seed
While you can, technically, grow snowdrops from seed, it isn’t worth the bother and hardly anybody does it. Consumers almost always begin their snowdrop patch by buying the bulbs (readily available at home improvement centers in the fall). The bulbs are far too inexpensive to justify buying the seed and expending the time and energy it would require to start new plants from seed. Once you have a patch started, snowdrops, under the right conditions, will spread on their own by self-seeding. Ants help disseminate the seeds. Snowdrops also spread on their own via bulb offsets.
As long as you garden within the range of zones 3 to 7, you do not have to do anything special to overwinter snowdrops. They are cold-hardy and will survive entirely on their own.
Common Pests and Plant Diseases
Snowdrops have no serious disease or pest problems. Deer won’t browse on your bulbs. Moles are carnivores and will not eat bulbs, but they can dislodge them in pursuit of an insect meal underground.
How to Get Snowdrops to Bloom
Unlike with some plants, such as wisteria, which can be fussy bloomers, no additional steps are required to get snowdrops to bloom. Simply provide them with the recommended growing conditions.
Bloom Months
Depending on the region where you live, snowdrops appear and flower in February or March, often while snow still blankets the ground.
How long Do Snowdrops Bloom?
Snowdrops bloom for a couple months in the late winter or early spring.
What Do Snowdrop’s Flowers Look and Smell Like?
Snowdrops are small plants (4-10 inches tall) that produce one tiny (1 inch or less), white, bell-shaped flower, which hangs off the end of a green, leafless stalk like a “drop” prior to opening. When the bloom opens, three outer petals arch out over three inner petals. The flower “nods its head” down to the ground. They have a creamy almond smell.
Caring for Snowdrop After It Blooms
After the plants come up and flower in spring, allow the foliage to yellow or brown before removing it (or just let it decompose, returning nutrients to the soil). This allows the plant to store the maximum amount of nutrients in its bulb, which will keep it healthy and ensure good flowering for next year. If left alone, the foliage disappears by late spring or summer as the bulbs go dormant. To remind yourself that the snowdrop bulbs remain underground in this space (so that you do not accidentally disturb them), mark them with a plant label.
How many snowdrops should you plant? These are small plants that won’t have much impact individually, so their bulbs should be planted closely together in groups of at least 25. Such a mass planting compensates for the small size of each individual plant.
Are snowdrops deer-resistant? Yes. Their toxic nature generally keeps deer from eating them.
How fast do snowdrops grow? After planting the bulbs in fall, you will have flowers on fully-mature plants the following spring.