Common Names Echinocereus cactus, hedgehog cactus
Botanical Name Echinocereus spp.
Family Cactaceae
Plant Type Cactus
Mature Size 6-18 in. tall, 3 in. wide
Sun Exposure Full
Soil Type Sandy, well-drained
Soil pH Acidic, neutral
Bloom Time Spring
Flower Color Red, yellow, pink, purple, white
Hardiness Zones 5-11 (USDA)
Native Area North America, Central America

Echinocereus Cactus Care

If you’ve successfully grown any cactus species in the past, you most likely can grow an Echinocereus cactus as they are a low-maintenance plant. Here are the main care requirements for an Echinocereus cactus.

  • Provide your plant with warmth and light.
  • Avoid any hint of soggy soil. Overwatering can easily kill an Echinocereus cactus.
  • Maintain an environmental temperature above 50 degrees Fahrenheit indoors.
  • Transplant to a larger container as necessary.
  • Feed in the spring after they emerge from dormancy.


These cacti need full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days, to grow and flower their best. They can tolerate a bit of shade, but this can reduce flowering. When grown as a houseplant, place your Echinocereus cactus by your brightest window. A south-facing window is best.


Loose, sandy soil with sharp drainage is recommended for Echinocereus cacti. For container plants, a potting mix made specifically for cacti and succulents will provide ideal growing conditions.


Water needs vary somewhat among the Echinocereus species. But in general, these cacti don’t need much moisture to thrive. And too much water can easily lead to root rot, especially if the soil isn’t fast-draining, as well as during the winter months when the plant is dormant and requires less water. So be sure to let the soil dry out between waterings. Water roughly every two weeks from spring to fall unless your plant has received rainfall. Over the winter, reduce watering to monthly.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature preferences vary among Echinocereus species. Many of the cacti are quite tolerant to cold and even freezing temperatures. In general, they thrive in indoor temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity typically isn’t an issue for them as long as they have adequate soil drainage.


These cacti don’t need rich soil but will appreciate extra nutrients. Following label instructions, feed them during the spring after emerging from dormancy with a liquid cactus fertilizer. For the rest of the year, there’s no need to fertilize.

Types of Echinocereus Cactus

There are many popular Echinocereus species grown for their interesting shapes and flowers, including the following:

  • Echinocereus stramineus: Also known as the straw-color hedgehog, this species is notable for its large, tan (or straw-colored) spines.
  • Echinocereus engelmannii: Often referred to as the strawberry hedgehog cactus, this plant features bright magenta flowers and is common in deserts of the Southwest.
  • Echinocereus triglochidiatus: This species is known as kingcup cactus, claretcup, and Mojave mound cactus. Its large blooms are funnel-shaped and bright red to orange in color.
  • Echinocereus coccineus: Called the scarlet hedgehog cactus, this variant was developed from the kingcup cactus. It has bright red or orange flowers and grows in large grouping clumps.
  • Echinocereus rigidissimus rubrispinus: One of the rarest cacti with pink spines, it grows as a single cactus.

Fun Fact

Echinocereus engelmannii has benefited the Indigenous people in the American Southwest as a food source. It produces sweet fruit, sometimes called “strawberries of the desert,” eaten raw or used in a jam.

Propagating Echinocereus Cactus

Echinocereus can be propagated either through offsets or by seed. Here’s how to propagate with offsets:

  1. You’ll need heavy gardening gloves to protect your hands from its prickly spines. Select a planting spot or container and cactus mix.
  2. Pull the plant out of the container or ground. carefully pull away an offset (a small plant growing from a mature plant), while keeping some roots attached.
  3. Let it dry in the open air until a callus forms over the cut end for a few days.
  4. Plant it in a new spot in the garden or in cactus potting mix placed in a bright, warm spot. Keep the soil just barely moist until new growth emerges.

How to Grow Echinocereus Cactus From Seed

To propagate by seed, shallowly plant the seeds in the spring in sandy soil that’s barely moist.

  1. Start them using small plastic cups and fill them to the halfway point,
  2. Put the seeds in a warm spot. It can take up to two weeks for them to sprout.
  3. Repot seedlings in larger containers once germinated.

Potting and Repotting Echinocereus Cactus

Any container you choose for an Echinocereus cactus should have ample drainage holes. An unglazed container is best, as it will allow excess moisture to escape through its walls and via the drainage holes. Select a reasonably shallow container, as the cacti don’t have deep roots.

Because these cacti grow slowly, they won’t need repotting often. Once the roots start to grow out of the pot and the plant has become too top-heavy for its container, it’s time to move it to a slightly bigger pot. Be extra careful removing it from the old container, as Echinocereus cacti tend to have weak roots. Gently knock off any loose soil. Then, plant it at the same depth in the new container, filling it around it with fresh cactus potting mix.


Overwintering an indoor Echinocereus cactus is essential if you want your cactus to bloom. Keep them cool and relatively dry in winter, just above freezing, between 35 to 44 F. A non-heated indoor room that doesn’t plunge below freezing, like a garage or basement area, might work best.

If overwintering outdoors within its hardiness zones 5 through 10, the cactus may shrivel up to conserve its moisture and reduce the water content in its cells, which could burst upon freezing. Also, its flesh may change colors to indicate reduced chlorophyll which usually occurs in winter.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Look out for mealybugs, aphids, and scale, which can damage the cactus flesh and its roots. An infestation of these can appear as white deposits or black mold. Treat any issue with an insecticide as soon as possible, and replant container plants in fresh soil. You can get rid of small infestations by spraying your plant with an organic plant pest spray like horticultural oil or neem oil.

Echinocereus cacti have weak root systems that are prone to root rot when over-watered. Allow your plant to dry out before watering.

How to Get Echinocereus Cactus to Bloom

Echinocereus cacti have colorful, showy flowers, making them popular and attractive ornamental plants. There are a few things to know in order to promote as many blooms as possible.

Bloom Months

The blooming season of Echinocereus cacti typically falls in spring between late March and early June depending on your region. They occasionally bloom at other times in the year.

How Long Does Echinocereus Cactus Bloom?

Younger cacti may only have one round of blooms in a single season. More mature Echinocereus plants will produce multiple rounds of flowers during the growing season.

What Do Echinocereus Cactus Flowers Look and Smell Like?

Echinocerus species feature showy cup-shape or funnelform blooms that carry a sweet scent. They feature warm hues such as red, magenta, yellow, and bright pink.

How to Encourage More Blooms

This plant will only bloom if it gets full sun for at least six to eight hours daily. If growing indoors, make sure it’s in your sunniest window. Consider using a supplemental grow light to ensure bright light for at least six hours. Also, cacti prefer a temperature variation from day to night, similar to their native environment. Grow lights that give off heat (or a hot window spot) will help your plant achieve this temperature variation during the day.

The Echinocereus genus boasts globular and cylindrical cacti with beautiful flowers.

Caring for Echinocereus Cactus After it Blooms

Echinocereus needs a cold or dormant period once its flowering season ends. Overwinter it in a cool, dry place for at least 60 days. After the dormancy period, gradually introduce warmer temperatures, more water frequency, and feed cactus fertilizer to spur growth and encourage new blooming. Water once a month and do not give any additional fertilizer for the rest of the growing season.

Deadheading Echinocereus Flowers

Deadhead Echinocereus flowers as needed. While they don’t require much pruning, removing withered flowers and branches will preserve the nutrients for new growth.

Common Problems With Echinocereus Cactus

Most cacti are easy growers, requiring little maintenance. Pests and diseases are rare, but they can occur.

Mushy or Rotting Stem

If you notice mushy yellowing, browning, or blackening of the body of the cactus, it may result from too much water and not enough light and heat. Most cacti that sit in water can develop root or stem rot quickly. To fix the problem, remove the plant from the pot. If you notice any brown or blackened roots, using sterilized scissors, cut them off. If the bottom of the stem is brown or blackened, it’s likely not recoverable and needs disposal.

Shriveled, Stunted Growth

If the flesh of the plant is starting to shrivel or growth seems to have stopped, it may need more water. Water it thoroughly. It may need water more frequently if kept indoors, especially if it’s dry or hot. Similarly, if the plant is outdoors and it’s too hot and a lot of time has gone between waterings, give it water.

Hardened Browning of the Plant Flesh

If the stem browns and hardens, it’s part of the natural aging process of the plant, called corking. As long as it’s not mushy, the plant should recover. Keep the plant watered but not saturated. Make sure it has ample light, but if the full sun is scorching the plant, move the plant or give it shade.


    • How long do Echinocereus cacti live?In proper indoor conditions, they can live for at least 10 years.

    • Where should I place Echinocereus cactus in my house? Put your plant near a south-facing window. You want to give it as much strong sunlight as possible.

    • How fast do Echinocereus cacti grow? Expect slow but consistent growth each year for plants in ideal conditions.