Common Name Inkberry holly, gallberry, Appalachian tea Botanical Name Ilex glabra Family Aquifoliaceae Plant Type Shrub Mature Size 5-10 ft. tall, 5-8 ft. wide Sun Exposure Full, partial Soil Type Moist, well-drained, clay Soil pH Acidic Bloom Time Spring…
Indian paintbrush, also known as scarlet painted cup, is a tough and colorful wildflower found in open areas like grasslands, prairies, or meadows. This biennial (which lives for two years), develops oval rosettes during its first year of…
Common Name Indian hawthorn Botanical Name Rhaphiolepis indica Family Rosaceae Plant Type Shrub Mature Size 3–6 ft. tall and wide Sun Exposure Full Soil Type Moist, well-drained Soil pH Acidic, neutral, alkaline Bloom Time Spring Flower Color Pink,…
Common Name Wood grass, Indiangrass, yellow Indiangrass Botanical Name Sorghastrum nutans Family Poaceae Plant Type Perennial Mature Size 5-7 ft. tall, 1-2 ft. wide Sun Exposure Full Soil Type Sandy, loamy, clay, well-drained Soil pH Acidic, neutral, alkaline…
Common Name Inaba Shidare Japanese maple Botanical Name Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Inaba Shidare,’ Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Inaba-shidare’ Family Sapindaceae Plant Type Shrub, tree Mature Size 10-12 ft. tall, 5-15 ft. wide Sun Exposure Full, partial Soil…
Common Name Incrediball smooth hydrangea Botanical Name Hydrangea arborescens ‘Abetwo’ Incrediball Family Hydrangeaceae Plant Type Shrub Mature Size 4-5 ft. tall, 4-5 ft. wide Sun Exposure Full, partial Soil Type Moist, well-drained Soil pH Neutral, acidic Bloom Time Summer…
Common Name Blushing philodendron, red-leaf philodendron, imperial red philodendron Botanical Name Philodendron erubescens Family Araceae Plant Type Perennial Mature Size 2-60 ft. long, 16 in. wide Sun Exposure Partial Soil Type Well-drained, loamy Soil pH Neutral, acidic Bloom…
Common Name Impatiens, bizzy lizzy, sultana Botanical Name Impatiens walleriana Family Balsaminaceae Plant Type Perennial Mature Size 6–24 in. tall; 6-24 in. wide Sun Exposure Partial, shade Soil Type Moist but well-drained Soil pH Neutral Bloom Time Summer,…
Botanical Name Papaver nudicaule Common Name Iceland poppy, Arctic poppy Family Papaveraceae Plant Type Perennial Mature Size 1–2 ft. high, 1–2 ft. wide Sun Exposure Full, partial Soil Type Rich, well-drained Soil pH Neutral Bloom Time Spring, summer…
Common Name Ice plant Botanical Name Delosperma spp., Lampranthus spp. Family Aizoaceae Plant Type Herbaceous, perennial Mature Size 3–6 in. tall, 12–24 in. wide Sun Exposure Full Soil Type Sandy, well-drained Soil pH Neutral Bloom Time Spring, summer,…